
review of epop???? haha.. saje jek nk bg jeles kt sape yg blom bli lg... dh half of the month dh ni wey... bek p cpt bli.. bln ni nyer best... hahahXD

sblm tu.. saje nk tunjuk iklan ni.. *yg wat aq sndiri pon bengang... wawawa.. MySpace

MySpace grrr~ cant go... the ticket was so expensive!! TT.TT
psstt>> kt dlm epop ade contest tok menang tiket tp kalo msk pon mst xdpt.. hahah.. sbb mst ramai dh anta dlu dh~

focus epop bln ni~> SHINee!!! MySpace

sapew minat boys over flower mst knl dorg.. huhu... 4 page cter psl dorg jek.. ;)

MySpace ckp psl BOF... mst korunk msh lagi trbyg2 ke"hensem"an gu jun pyo n ke"matang"an yoon ji hoo kn.. hehe.. jgn risau.. epop bln ni ade gk psl dorg...

edisi march epop bln ni bnyk cerita psl lee hong ki, park shin hye, jang geun suk.. sape yg minat gler kt you're beautiful (mcm aq.. hehe..) mst nk taw psl dorg kn...

MySpace MySpace MySpace MySpace

best kn... eh mane jung yong hwa...?? hehe... jgn risau.. ade gk... 2 page sume cter psl CN BLUE jek.. "CN BLUE gunakan darah panas mendidih untuk merealisasikan band".. huhu.. ni title story dorg... title jek pon cm dh best jek nk bace.. eh?? why i think like that.. crazy myb.. hahaha XD

knl x Seung Ho tu sape..? huhu.. sape tgk "master of study", knl la sape Seung Ho ni.. huhu..kt dlm epop bln ni ade gk review psl drama master of study.. slain focus story kt Seung Ho.. oppa!! saranghae!! ops~ xley pggl oppa sbb Seung Ho bru jek umor 17thn, this year =P tp nk pggl gk lar... OPPA! hahahaXD

SPECIAL EPOP BULAN NI>>> ade 2nd cover!! huhu.. MySpace

eh? mane SuJu...? hehe.. xyah risau.. ade!! bnyk lak tu.. happy! MySpace

hehe...kn dh kate... ade bnyk psl SUPER JUNIOR~

MySpace buat mcm ni dgn harapan anda semua juga turut jth cinta ngn SUJU~~

chotto?? ape???? nk taw psl poster...? MySpace xdgr la....lalalala~ hehe.. rahsia... ne ley gtaw.. MySpace

lyric dlm epop pon nk taw...???? hmmm..MySpace pon RAHSIA gk! hahahaha XD MySpace

review drama/filem?? ok lar.. yg ni ley gtaw kot..

~ master of study (korea)
~ the woman who still wants to marry? (korea)
~ bloody monday 2 (japan)

~ 4th period murder mystery (korea)

okess!! tu jek tok review epop.. huhu.. matta ne..~

MySpace MySpace MySpace

p/s>> saje nk gtaw.. NINOMIYA KAZUNARI is my fav forever~
MySpace MySpace MySpace

~~~~~~>sory for the pixcha quality.. yaaa2~ i know.. not good enough.. hehe.. gomen ne~

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