Let's learn HUAYU~~!!^__^ part 1

Hi u guys~how r u all doing??I hope everybody is doing great..hmm..As u all had learn something bout japanese language the other day by our sensei,faez~;P i've decided to be the "laoshi" for u guys this time by teaching u all the basic of mandarin language~hope u guys can learn something~^^

chinese words doesnt really have any pronounciation,not until it is turn to hanyu pinyin,which is the romanized words which makes the chinese words can be spoken..
eg:   doesnt have pronounciation, but when u have the pinyin,u can read it as ni~the meaning of this word is you..
  * take note that in pinyin,there's a four tones in most of huayu,each tones for a word have a       different meaning..there's a symbols of the tones in hanyu pinyin,which are
        1st tone: ,  2nd tone: , 3rd tone:  , 4rd tone:
as i said,the words might look the same,but for every intonation of these words,it has a different meaning.. for mā it means mother/mama, means a cloth,textile fibres, mǎ means horse,mà means scold...

ok,i admit,being the non-chinese people,huayu is indeed feels difficult to learn..but it's also interesting when u know more n more words n u can started to hv a conversation with ur chinese friends~^^
now lets learn how to pronounce the words well...it's actually a little bit complicated as there's a word that u have to pronounce with air coming out of ur mouth la,there's a word that must have a nasal sounds la(sengau),n some others~
nvm,only the chinese people who live in mainland china speak with pure mandarin slang with the intonation,it's like singaporean speaks malay,so baku rite?hehe;P no offence k..
now im gna teach u some common words used by the chinese~

I,me: wo
You: ni
Him/Her : ta (got air sounds when pronounce this word) 
They: ta men
We: wo men
Oneself/myself : zi ji
Father: baba,ba
Mother: mama,ma
Elder brother: ge ge,ge
Younger brother: di di,di
Elder sister: jie jie,jie
Younger sister: mei mei
Miss(adress a women polite way) : xiao jie
Mr (adress a men polite way) : xian sheng
Eat: chi
Drink: he
Please wait: Qing deng yi xia (qing is used as "please")
Sit: zuo * zuo is also used for the word "do"
Friend: peng you
Very/so: hen/hao
How are you?: ni hao ma? >replied to this: wo hen hao(im fine) or just say hao~
Good morning: zao an
Good afternoon : wu an
Good evening: wan shang hao
Good night: wan an
Tomorrow: Mingtian
*Tian=day/sky/heaven/sweet(each with a different tone of course)
Work hard(berusaha) : jiayou!
Love: ai * ai can also means short,cancer..with different tones
I love you: wo ai ni
I like you: Wo xi huan ni, like=xi huan
Can we become friends? : Wo men ke yi zuo pengyou ma?
*ke yi=can,possible  *u can always see ma,ne,meh at the back of the question..it is to show that what u said is a type of question and not a brief talk..
Good bye/see u again : zai jian 
Tall: gao

ok,now i teach u 1-10 in huayu aite~
1-yi, 2-er, 3-san, 4-si(this can also means die,dats y chinse dun like no.4), 5-wu(just pronouce the "u" as like u said 'ular', 6-liu, 7-qi, 8-ba, 9-jiu, 10-shi

fuuhhh~i guess i wrote so long already....we gna continue next time ok??hehe..anything else,any words u wna know,just reply to this post,im surely gonna give u the answer~(if i know the words that is,my huayu is also not that good..huhu~.~")
'Till then,take care u guys~~smile^_______^ zai jian~!! 


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