SUJU in Malaysia!!!!!

Well as u all know,the popular boy band SUJU(or bttr known as Super Junior) had make their performance in Bukit Jalil on the 20th of March 2010~Lots n lots of people,especially GIRLS (i should say,i didnt see any guys screaming over this news..huhu~.~"),willing to spent out all their $$$ just to go n see the super boys performance..Wow~~it hits like Tsunami man!haha~XD and not to forget,there's also lots n more than loads of people who couldn't affort the tickets price(sadly,I'm one of them~sobsob~T.T),just wishing they could see them on tv or something..Well,I guess it wouldn't be that bad u know if we just get a chance to see them on tv,i mean,att least we gonna have a "VIP" seat~hehehehe~;P that's one good thing when you watch any concert etc. on tv,lot more space to move around,and ya,u dont need to worry about couldn't see the artist faces,coz for sure they gna look at u for like most of the time~kakakaXD

By the way,I got take this pictures,courtesy of Warner Music Malaysia that is,I hope they not gonna saman me for taking this pic..huhu...I just intent to share it,not to steal it...

*all pictures are under (in courtesy of) Warner Music Malaysia

and here are the videos for the concert's kinda cool..funny how they try say "apa khabar?"..haha..but they all cute~(as always~^^) i don't know how they can live when they got like millions of fans out there willing to do just about everything for them..huhu..(scary dow...#.#)

ok,I just found this video,credits goes out to whoever upload it on Youtube~~the videos not bad la,but the sound kinda like pecah2,maybe its too loud there..anyway,I hope this can make u guys feel ok a bit (for those who cannot go la)..I only can hear people screaming though =.="

Ok..I guess that's pretty much all that I wanna sharewith u guys..Hope u somehow enjoyed watching the pictures and the video~have a nice day all...peace out~~HWAITING FOR SUJU~!!^___^v

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