next nihonggo lesson ^^

daily conversation ::

nani wo shitai no desuka? - what are you doing?
nani wo tabetai no desuka? - what are you going to eat?
itsu? - when?
itsu kimasu ka? - when are you coming?
itsu ikimasu ka? - when are you going?
doko? - where?
doko e ikimasu ka? OR doko e iketai no desuka? - where are you going?
ohaiyo gozaimasu - good morning
konnichiwa - good afternoon
konbawa - good evening
oyasumi nasai - good night
eigo ga hanasemasu ka? - can you speak english?
nihonggo ga hanasemasu ka? - can you speak japan?
sukoshi wakarimasu - i just understand a little only
itadakimasu - thanx for the food
hisashiburi - long time no see
matta ashita - see you next time
hajime mashite - *no specific meaning, use only 1st time meeting somebody
gomenasai, kiktore masen deshita - sorry, i dont understand
dekita! - finish!
eeto~ - see~
doshio... - how...

ok.. rasenyer cukop smpi cni.. kalo ade yg nk taw ayat2 len.. inform lar eh.. hehe..

this month super junior special calendar.. hehe.. ade hankyung!! yeay!!

lee min ho (gu jun pyo) fall down!!!!! arghhh!! poor him TT.TT

p/s: klik bulan ni cover page gmbr ARASHI..hehe.. my feveret.. epop lak cover page SHINEE, my feveret gk... haha.. can get enough of them.. dunno why.. hahaXD

dozo~ sila la bace epop & klik on9.. hehe ^^

=P wek... tpu jep... nk g la bli... hahahaXD

post by ~> Faez ;)

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